Insights for tough times: back-to-business-basics wisdom from Rob Shelton

Insights for tough times - the back-to-business-basics wisdom from Rob Shelton | Less Than 15 Show | DFK Australia New Zealand

The wisdom of getting back to business basics

In this episode, Rob Shelton, the Managing Director of DFK Everalls in Canberra brings 30 years of business observations and insights to the table as we delve into the back-to-basics philosophy and the role this plays in navigating difficult times in business.

Key Takeaways:

  • Communication is vital during challenging times – Open, honest conversations with business partners and advisors are essential.
  • Utilising dashboards and data-driven insights can help in identifying early signs of a downturn.
  • Strike a balance between cost-cutting and growth potential – Focusing on revenue growth rather than solely resorting to cost-cutting measures.
  • Taking a proactive approach by seeking opportunities amid challenges – such as mergers, acquisitions, and talent acquisition.

Key Points:

  • Recognise the early signs of business impact, such as reduced inquiries, website traffic, and cash flow slowing down.
  • Common mistakes to avoid include denial, poor cash flow management, and excessive knee-jerk cost-cutting reactions.
  • Balance your long-term strategies alongside short-term goals when you face potential challenges such as interest rate fluctuations.
  • It’s important to gather multiple perspectives and external guidance to inform your strategic decisions.

The key message overall is to “look, listen, and respond” rather than react, echoing the importance of informed and thoughtful responses to business challenges.

Contact Information:

Connect with Rob Shelton at DFK Everalls here at or search for a DFKANZ firm near you on our Find a Firm Page.

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