Creating Menopause Friendly Workplaces with Sonya Lovell

Creating Menopause Friendly Workplaces with Sonya Lovell - Menopause Friendly Australia

Creating Menopause-Friendly Workplaces

In this episode Sonya Lovell, Training and Communications Manager for Menopause Friendly Australia and host of the Dear Menopause podcast shares why businesses need to become menopause-friendly and how simple adjustments in the workplace can support staff during this life stage. This is a must-listen for business owners and leaders who want to foster inclusivity and retain experienced staff, all while enhancing productivity and employee well-being.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Why Menopause Matters in the Workplace:
    • With 81% of people going through menopause currently in the workforce, Sonya highlights the growing importance of creating a supportive environment. Women over 50 represent the fastest-growing demographic in the workforce, making it crucial for businesses to understand how to accommodate menopause-related challenges.
  2. Education is Key:
    • The first step is educating leaders and staff about menopause and its different phases. Menopause is not just a brief moment but includes perimenopause, which can begin as early as age 40 and last for several years. Understanding this timeline can help businesses make better-informed decisions about workplace accommodations.
  3. Dispelling Common Myths:
    • Myth 1: Menopause is a brief event that occurs only in your 50s. In reality, symptoms can start a decade earlier.
    • Myth 2: Employees want menopause leave. Sonya shares that most women actually prioritise flexible working arrangements over dedicated leave.
    • Myth 3: Hormone therapy is the one-size-fits-all solution. While it helps some, other lifestyle changes and workplace support are also important.
  4. Tailoring Workplace Support:
    • Creating a menopause-friendly workplace doesn’t have to involve significant costs or complex policies. Simple changes like flexible start times, appropriate uniforms, and understanding cognitive challenges (such as brain fog) can make a huge difference. Employers should actively ask their staff what support they need.
  5. The Benefits of a Menopause-Friendly Workplace:
    • Retaining experienced staff, reducing sick leave, and lowering hiring costs are just some measurable benefits of fostering a supportive environment. Sonya emphasises that this is a win-win for both employees and employers.

Guest Information:

Sonya Lovell is the Training and Communications Manager for Menopause Friendly Australia and the host of the Dear Menopause podcast. She is an advocate for menopause education in the workplace, helping organisations create supportive environments for their employees.

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