Open the door to innovation through Reverse Mentoring: with Maree McPherson

Open the door to innovation with Reverse Mentoring | Less Than 15 | DFK Australia New Zealand

Open the door to innovation with Reverse Mentoring

In this episode, we delve into the topic of reverse mentoring and its significance for SME owners and leaders, with Leadership Expert, Maree McPherson.

Key Points:

  • Maree shares her experience of reverse mentoring, emphasizing the value of gaining different perspectives and insights, rather than solely relying on traditional mentorship dynamics.
  • Reverse Mentoring helps avoid groupthink and embrace diverse viewpoints from within and outside an organisation to foster innovation and prevent unconscious bias.
  • Reverse mentoring includes diversity in culture, gender, age, and life experiences.
  • Essential components for implementing a reverse mentoring program include excellent matching, training for both mentees and mentors and setting time limits to focus on achieving specific outcomes.
  • Assess the diversity of your advice circles and identify missing perspectives – perhaps even consider unconventional sources for reverse mentoring, such as your kids’ friends!


Free Resources

A great article for further reading is here in the Harvard Business Review and download the resource from Maree “Is coaching the same as mentoring?” here.


About our guest: Maree McPherson

Maree McPherson received the Medal of the Order of Australia in January 2023, recognising her commitment and contributions to the community.

With a career spanning nearly 40 years under her belt, including a tenure as a Chief Executive in a Victorian peak body, Maree’s counsel is in high demand by executive leaders and top-tier organisations.

Maree’s mission centres on transforming organisations into enduring legacies and working with leaders to dive deep into their insights and emerge with profound clarity on leadership adaptability. In short, Maree helps leaders think.

Maree’s method, refined through her years of experience, revolves around executive and organisational coaching, in which she has post-graduate qualifications. She has supported leaders in ASX 500 companies, including the insurance, finance and healthcare sectors, all tiers of government, educational institutions, and for-purpose entities.

With over 1800 hours of coaching experience, Maree is also an accredited practitioner in the Mayer Salovey Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT). She has conducted over eighty test debriefs with executives and company owners, attesting to her dedication to emotional intelligence development in the teams of tomorrow.

In 2014, Maree founded her coaching and training company, and her path as an author began with the publication of two impactful books. Notably, her 2021 book, “Worthy” was listed as a finalist in the Australian Business Book Awards 2022.

Maree is an experienced professional and a visionary catalyst for leaders who want to create change.

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