Unlocking Success: Top Tips for Business Growth & Professional Prowess!

By Adnan Islam, Marcum LLP, USA

While there are several ways to do business development, most would agree that some of the most important requisites to successful business development is to build meaningful relationships, be your best self, and show-up, consistently.

  1. Cultivate Relationships with a Value-First Approach:
    • Building genuine relationships is key to successful business development. Focus on providing value to others before asking for anything in return. This could include sharing insightful articles, offering value added connections, or providing practical, complimentary guidance or advice.  By leading with value, you establish yourself as a resource and gain the trust of your peers and potential clients.
    • Emerging leaders should aim to be seen as thought leaders in their specific area of expertise. READ >>> this means staying informed about industry trends, regulatory changes, and best practices to offer up-to-date advice and insights.
  1. Be Authentic and Be Prepared:
    • Be timely.
    • Appearance: be professional and your best self with proper attire, camera angle, lighting, technology, etc.
    • Prep for and research who you are speaking to and what you may/will be talking about
    • Optimize your LinkedIn Profile and Posts* for your professional objectives
  1. Network and Show Up with Your Best Self:
    • Local marketing, BD, and networking events
    • Conferences, webinars, and seminars are excellent venues for meeting like-minded professionals and potential clients. Make it a point to attend these events and, when possible, seek out speaking opportunities to raise your profile.
    • Aspiring leaders should develop strong public speaking and presentation skills. Being able to communicate clearly and confidently in front of an audience can significantly enhance one’s reputation and visibility in the field.
Related Business Development and Networking Guidance for DFK Emerging Leaders
  • Engage in continual learning and adaptability.  The accounting and tax landscape is continuously evolving with new regulations, technologies, and methodologies. Commit to lifelong learning to stay ahead of the curve and be adaptable to change.
  • Develop a niche specialization such IP valuations, blockchain, fintech, AI, Web3, financial instruments, etc.  While a broad understanding of accounting and/or tax is fundamental, specializing in a niche area can make you indispensable.
  • Engage in strategic thinking and the holistic picture using “business acumen.”   Understanding the broader business implications of accounting and tax strategies can position you as a much more valuable strategic or trusted advisor to clients, not just a technical expert of tax, accounting, or transfer pricing.


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